2024-09-10 16:27:50
qoma: Wo, surfing the the world wide web is futuristic!
2024-06-07 15:26:25
ропаропаропа : хуй
2024-06-07 15:26:17
ропаропаропа : ропаропаропаропаропаропаропаропаропа
2024-05-14 18:34:53
yo: wassup))
2024-05-14 18:34:38
yo: wassup))
2024-04-16 10:24:04
zzz: zzz
2024-04-12 22:53:29
djemyjenab: Hello... I just start to learn Gopher and Gemini protocol
2024-04-07 08:55:44
Turboblack: tell about us to your friends )
2024-04-07 08:55:22
Turboblack: wassup))
2024-04-06 20:25:14
cool_ron: posting like it's 1999
2024-04-06 11:30:57
Turboblack: hellew wassup!
2024-04-06 10:44:56
mak: hi buddy! =) nice to see you here
2024-04-06 10:41:02
zzz: Hello!